Job Vacancy AusAID ( Indonesia-Australia Partner) Maret 2010

Aid Program

AusAID is the Australian goverment agency responsible for managing Australia's overseas aid program. Australia has been a dedicated development partner to Indoesia for more 50 years. Through the development assistance program, australia and Indonesia work together to alleviate poverty and promote regional peace, stability as well as prosperity. We are inviting dynamic, experienced professionals to take part in an exciting program management position for the role of :


The health, gender and disaster management section is seeking applications for program manager positions.under the Australia-Indonesia partnership the key task of the positions is to ensure the delivery of quality aid programs, particularly in the health and disaster management portofolios. the program manager are also expected to contribute to the broader sectoral policies, strategies and direction. The position play an important role in representing AusAID through engagement with the key program partner, as well as communicating with the broader bilateral and multilateral donors.

please refer to our website at for further information about the vacancies including the detailed duty statement and selection criteria. if you need additional information, you may contac Ria Hasan on 021 - 3924322.

only those applications that address the selection criteria and are submitted in english will be accepted

the closing date for application is sunday, 21 march 2010

tag: job vacancy March 2010, vacancy in AusAID, job vacancies program manager,advertise job, lowongan jakarta, lowongan kerja maret 2010, lowongan terbaru di AusAID